Lost between cultures? Me too!

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I am very new to blogging, so please bare with me through the next few posts as I figure out what I am doing.

This blog isn’t going to be about anything specific. It is meant to be a place where I can share my ideas and experiences with everyone, as well as hear similar stories from other people. Because of the content, I will remain anonymous and will use fictitious names for any people that may be mentioned.

You may be wondering why I chose the name Lost Between Cultures. The answer is pretty simple. I myself feel like I am lost between two cultures. I was born in America, so I learned some of the American culture growing up, but my parents also taught me their culture. I know enough of both to get by, but I don’t feel like I fully belong to either. I’m just dangling in the middle. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love that I was raised to be multicultural. It’s just difficult to navigate at times. More on that will be discussed in future posts.

I hope I can keep you coming back to read my posts! If you have any requests for certain topics, please leave me a comment! I look forward to reading them. I do try to stay positive and want to attract positive vibes to this blog. I welcome constructive criticism, but please keep any nasty remarks you may have to yourself.

And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. — Meister Eckhart

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